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One Pond Fund

In returning the planet to becoming water rich again, a new approach with a community focus is needed, based on traditional methods and wisdom, coupled with a resourcing model that enables people to create and value water and its essential benefits.


in the fight to mitigate the impact of Climate Change

One Pond Fund enables small holder farmers and local communities to build small water bodies or ponds on their lands (often in remote rural areas) across continents. Each pond enables the community to become self reliant for their water needs.


The pond water also recharges the underground aquifer, balances the small water cycle and helps mitigate the effects of climate change globally.

Added benefit:  farmers get to stay in one place doing what they do best – farming. And providing us with the foods we see on our shelves – sometimes even half way across the world..


Why One Pond?

A pond is a small body of still, fresh water storage on land. A pond brings an area to life. Without this water, the site becomes dry, arid and lifeless. When a pond is built at a catchment level, it benefits the entire community by nourishing the landscape as a whole. But equally that pond is linked to YOU. Not just because of the money you invest in its creation…

Hence our primary focus is on helping small holders to build ponds. We also help them with simple low cost traditional methods to build ponds that are known to work and need minimal engineering and can be built independently by them.


One Pond Fund

46 Hunter's Moon, Dartington, UK


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